Beethoven Danza, the new competition of the Teatro del Bicentenario de San Juan

“Beethoven Danza” is the call for performers and artists of the movement to be part of the virtual contents of the Teatro del Bicentenario.
On the occasion of commemorating the 250th anniversary of the birth of the great German composer Ludwig van Beethoven on December 16 next, the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, through the Teatro del Bicentenario de San Juan and the Foundation of the German Institute, will carry out a tribute to said composer with the launch of a call. This is intended for interpreters of the movement to present their own choreographic productions that involve the use of the language of dance and the movement called “BEETHOVEN DANZA EN ESCENA”.
The Teatro del Bicentenario will execute the stage production and audiovisual recording of the selected performers and their works. The audiovisual records will be broadcast virtually during the month of December, within the framework of the celebrations of the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth in the networks of the Teatro del Bicentenario and the German Institute Foundation.
This call, aimed at interpreters of the movement (dancers, dance students, artists-creators of the movement) aims to stimulate the development of interpreters-creators, promote a sense of self-improvement and make visible young talents from San Juan in the field of art of movement (in all its expressions) using as a starting point for the creative process, the great musical work of the master Ludwig van Beethoven.
Category “TEEN”
“SOLO” mode, 3 (three) incentive prizes of $ 10,000 *
Modality “DUOS y TRÍOS”, 2 (two) stimulus prizes of $ 15,000 *
Category “JUNG”
“SOLO” mode, 2 (two) incentive prizes of $ 14,000 *
Mode “DUOS y TRÍOS”, 2 (two) incentive prizes of $ 21,000 *
* Argentine pesos
- Dance students, movement artists, creators and performers of the movement between 16 and 35 years old.
- Argentines or resident foreigners.
- 2 categories with 2 modalities each
- Teen: 16 to 21 years old
- Jung: 22 to 35 years
- Soloist Mode (up to 3 min duration)
- Duos or Trios mode (up to 5 min in length)
- The video must be sent via YouTube Link
Reports and registrations open until November 6, at 6 pm, on the website of the Teatro del Bicentenario de San Juan.