First Latin American audience and communication forum

Next 24th and 25th October, the first Latin American forum of Communication and Audiences will be held at Teatro Nacional Sucre in Quito. Lead by experts in the fields of digital communication, marketing, artistic education and audience development the forum will have a practical and theoretical methodology
For the first time in the 11 years of OLA, the city of Quito will receive from October 24th and 25th the representatives of the departments of communications, audiences, marketing and artistic education of OLA network. The participants will share good practices and methodologies, in addition, they will work together with guest panelists from Europe, United States and Latin America, in the challenge of improving digital communication and working with the audiences of their theatres.
The experts have been invited for their vast experience in the different topics that will be worked on. Leading the marketing conference, the Brazilian specialist in sales and marketing and Marketing Director of Sarasota Opera House, Carlos Vicente Winner of the American Marketing Association – Houston, Texas – AMA Crystal Awards and Director of the Opera America Marketing Forum.
In the field of communications, the Director of Marketing at Teatro Real de Madrid, Lourdes Sánchez, will be the speaker, who will show us the interesting work that Teatro Real de Madrid has done in recent years, being pioneers in transmitting the first opera on Facebook with an engagement of more than 900,000 spectators.
The Education panel will be lead by Violaine Fournier, member of the Stearing Committee of RESEO (European Network for Education in Opera and Dance). For more than 15 years, RESEO has been the only European network of education, participation and creative learning in opera and dance. From large opera organizations to small companies in 21 countries, members gather around the desire to expand access, awaken curiosity and create a connection with opera and dance for all.
With an outstanding work in the work of audiences, the chilean cultural critic and manager Javier Ibacache, specialist in audience development, was Director of Programming and Audiences of the Gabriela Mistral Cultural Centre GAM and Programming Director of Espacio Diana. He has developed interesting works with Teatro Solís in Montevideo and Gran Teatro Nacional de Lima among others.
Each session will consist of theoretical talks, followed by a workshop between the teams of the participant OLA members. The occasion will serve to know the actions that develop and current challenges of the theatres in the fields of digital communication, education, audience development and marketing in Latin America.
Check the Communication and Audiences Forum programme here.
OLA Communication and Audiences Forum Programme