18th edition of Brazilian Singing Contest María Callas will be remotely
The contest will take place between June 14-27. The participants will send their videos to be evaluated by the jury, all the vocal categories will be awarded this year, plus the special prize of the public with open voting on Facebook, on the fanpage of the Cia Ópera São Paulo.
This year, as a consequence of COVID-19, Cia Ópera São Paulo in accordance with the Secretary of State for Culture and Creative Economy of São Paulo, Amigos da Arte and Fundación Cultural de Jacareí – institutions that sponsor and support the event – have decided to hold the 2020 edition of Brazilian Maria Callas Singing Contest remotely this June and are confident that in October the winners will be able to perform in a live recital to the public of São Paulo and Jacareí / SP.
Presided over by the maestro Luiz Fernando Malheiro, artistic director of Festival Amazonas de Ópera, together with critics, singers of undisputed fame on the lyrical scene, directors of specialized magazines and artistic agents, the jury will feature personalities from Spain, Italy, France, England , Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, Mexico and Brazilian authorities such as the composer João Guilherme Ripper, president of the Brazilian Academy of Music and director of the Cecilia Meireles Hall in Rio de Janeiro.
In its 18th edition, the contest will be held thanks to the fact that of the 125 registered for the face-to-face contest, which would take place in April, 93 singers accepted the change for remote performance. In other words, 75% acceptance. Singers from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela and some Latin Americans living in Germany, the United States and England are among those who are going to record a video presenting themselves with an opera aria in two phases, eliminatory and final. The videos will be sent to evaluate and votandjury,well as being shared on Facebook for the vote public which will give an exclusive prize for this category.
All the vocal categories will be awarded this year: sopranos, mezzos or contraltos, tenors, baritones, basses or bass-baritones, countertenors or contralistas, and the special prize of the public with open voting on Facebook, on the fanpage of Cia Ópera São Paulo.
For Paulo Abrão Esper, General and Artistic Director of Cia Ópera São Paulo and the Brazilian Singing Contest María Callas: “The moment in which we live now hasus made reflect on the future of our project and the significant changes this year and, of course , already thinking about the expansion by 2021. We willenter more shows, lectures, conferences and master classes for our young singers and the general public. ”
Day June 14, 2020: Sending approved videos for the jury evalue and vote.Publication of the approved videos on fanpage of Cia Ópera São Paulo on Facebook to begin the public vote for the Elimination phase.
June 18, 2020: Closing of the vote on Facebook and jury.
June 19, 2020: Publication of the Finalists on fanpage official of Cia Ópera São Paulo on Facebook.
June 24, 2020: Sending of the approved videos so that the jury can see and vote. Publication of the approved videos on fanpage official of Cia Ópera São Paulo on Facebook to begin the public vote for the Final phase.
June 26, 2020: Closing of the vote on Facebook and jury.
June 27, 2020: Publication of the Winners on fanpage official of Cia Ópera São Paulo on Facebook.
In October the winners will be presented to the public in São Paulo and Jacareí, since the situation as a result of COVID-19 is normalized.
Best Soprano Prize R $ 2,000.00 (Two thousand reais)
Best Mezzosoprano or Contralto Prize R $ 2,000.00 (two thousand reais)
Best Tenor Prize R $ 2,000.00 (Two thousand reais)
Best Baritone Prize R $ 2,000, 00 (two thousand reais)
Best Bass or Bass-baritone Award R $ 2,000.00 (Two thousand reais)
Best Counter Contractor or Contralista Award R $ 2,000.00 (Two thousand reais)
Special Award “José Esper Netto” Best Singer Chosen by the Public R $ 1,000.00 (thousand reais)
Luiz Fernando Malheiro (Brazil), Artistic Director and Titular Regent of the Amazonas Filarmônica Orchestra, Artistic Director of Festival Amazonas de Ópera (FAO).
João Guilherme Ripper (Brazil) Composer, Teacher, Professor at the UFRJ School of Music, President of the Brazilian Academy of Music and Director of the Cecilia Meireles Hall.
Sabino Lenoci (Italy) CreChiefdAdor andEditore MagazineL’Opera International Magazine(Milan).
Richard Martet (França) Editor-in-Chief of Opera Magazine in Paris.
Fernando Sans (Spain) Editor-in-Chief of magazine Ópera Actual in Barcelona.
Adelia Issa (Brazil) Soprano.
João Luis Sampaio (Brazil) Editor Axistive Boardand Concierto Magazine.
Jorge Coli (Brazil) Professor, crítico Musical and librettist.
Verónica Villarroel (Chile), Soprano.
Silvia Gasset (Spain) President Fundación Jaume Aragall de Barcelona.
Maria Pia Piscitelli (Italy) Soprano.
Carlos Rauscher (Brazil) Member of the Advisory Council and of the Artistic Committee of Artistic Culture.
Robson Tirotti (Brazil) President Amigos Cia Ópera São Paulo.
José Velasco (Spain) Artistic Entrepreneur and Artistic Advisor of opera houses.
Carlos Aransay (Mexico) do Musical Director International Competition Trujillo(Peru) and d Madrigal Choir Theater of Fine Arts in Mexico.
Robert Gilder (England) Artistic Entrepreneur, Robert Gilder & Company.
Fabiana Crepaldi (Brazil) Review Opera and member the Council Friends Cia Opera São Paulo.
Alejandro Chacón (Colombia) Stage Director and Director Artistic of the Colombian Opera.
Raquel Pierotti (Uruguay) Mezzo-soprano and Academic Coordinator and the National Art Lyrical School of SODRE.
Mário Vivino (Argentina) Musical Critic, Opera Actual Magazine.