The Theatro Municipal de São Paulo will host the Brazilian opera meeting

Open to the public, the event “Opera en pauta” will be held on November 25 at the Theatro Municipal de São Paulo, around the social-economic impact and the development of the audience in the opera. The co-organized meeting with the Festival Amazonas de Ópera will also feature the participation of Theatro da Paz de Belém and the Cia. Opera São Paulo.
It will be the place for the official announcement of the OLA General Assembly to be held in Brazil in 2021.
The Theatro Municipal de São Paulo, together with the Festival Amazonas de Ópera, the Theatro da Paz de Belém and the Cia. Opera São Paulo, all members of Opera Latin America (OLA) in Brazil, organize an unprecedented meeting to discuss the challenges of Produce opera in the country, what are the ways to attract and form new audiences and the possibilities of expanding this artistic genre. The economic and social impacts will also be addressed in the “Opera in Pauta” event, which will take place on November 25, at the Theatro Municipal de São Paulo, and will bring together important industry representatives.
The city of Manaus, where the is held annually Festival Amazonas de Ópera, was chosen to host the General Assembly of Latin American Opera (OLA) in 2021. It will be the first time the country will host the event, one of Los concrete results of the signing of the collaboration agreement between Brazil and OLA in May of this year.
The meeting aims to define joint strategies and outline an initial schedule, as well as the parallel agenda of the 2021 edition of the OLA General Assembly, which will be held during the Festival Amazonas de Ópera.
To celebrate and begin the organization of the assembly, which takes place every year in a different country, the executive director of OLA, Alejandra Martí, will come to Brazil on November 25. Also participating will be Flavia Furtado, Executive Director of Festival Amazonas de Ópera; Daniel Araújo, Director of Theatro da Paz de Belém; Paulo Esper, Director of the Cia. Opera São Paulo; and Hugo Possolo, Artistic Director of the Theatro Municipal de São Paulo. Among the representatives of the public administration are the Secretary of State of Culture of Amazonas, Marcos Apolo Muniz de Araújo, and the Secretary of Culture of Pará State, Bruno Chagas.
The event will be divided into two moments: in the morning, at 11 am, the official launch of the OLA Manaos 2021 Assembly will be held and, in the afternoon, an exhibition panel with relevant themes for opera production in Brazil in the Conservatory Hall in Praça das Artes.
All opera houses active in Brazil will be invited to attend the meeting in São Paulo. An opportunity to learn more about the work of OLA and, for those interested in joining as members.
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Opera em pauta Agenda
Monday 11/25
11 am: Presentation of OLA and General Assembly in Manaus 2021 edition.
Place: Theatro Municipal de São Paulo – Noble Hall
Alejandra Martí – Executive Director of OLA
Daniel Araújo – Director of Theatro da Paz
Flavia Furtado – Executive Director of the Amazon Opera Festival
Hugo Possolo – Artistic Director of the Municipal Theater of São Paulo
Marcos Apolo Muniz de Araújo – Secretary of State for Culture of Amazonas
Paulo Esper – Director of the Cia. Ópera São Paulo
Bruno Chagas – Secretary of State for Culture.
12:30 pm: Break
02 pm: Presentation of the panel “Challenges of producing Opera in Brazil”
Place: Plaza de las Artes – Hall of the Conservatory
Topic covered:
The economic and social impact of the Opera through the Amazon experience (Flavia Furtado – Executive Director of the Amazon Opera and Daniel Araújo Festival – Director of the Peace Theater)
Diversity, inclusion and development of the public (Hugo Possolo – Artistic Director of the Theatro Municipal de São Paulo)
Collection and Memory (Carla Nieto Vidal – Researcher)
04 pm: Closing
* Schedule subject to change.
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