RESEO, the European network of opera and ballet for education, new OLA’s ally

Reseo, European network for education for opera and ballet signed an agreement with OperaLatinoamérica during the first Communications and Audience Forum, Quito 2018
Following the presentation of Violaine Fournier, representative of the RESEO Steering Committee at the first OLA Communications and Audience Forum, a collaboration agreement was signed between OLA and RESEO, European network for opera and ballet in education.
The non-profit organization is distributed in 21 countries, the members of RESEO – including the Royal Opera House, the Paris Opera and the Vlaanderen Opera Ballet – form a diverse but coherent network, experimenting with new concepts, sharing ideas, learning and working together . The network supports them in their general objective of firmly anchoring the opera in their local contexts and improving the sense of ownership of their communities.
Under the agreement signed between both organizations, OLA members may participate in the conferences held by RESEO during the year without paying registration.
The spirit of the agreement is the support and collaboration between the institutions by encouraging the exchange of good practices and supporting the development of theater professionals through internships or exchanges.
Visit RESEO website here