The Ibáñez Atkinson Foundation (Chile) opens a call for scholarships for musical improvement

The aid to students and professionals in the musical area – Chileans residing in Chile or abroad – consists of total or partial financing of studies, financing of tickets and support in maintenance. Applications are open until August 31.
As part of its support for the growth of musical talent in Chile, the Ibáñez Atkinson Foundation invites students and music professionals to apply for funding and sponsorship scholarships in order to improve their development. The call is open to Chilean residents in Chile or abroad.
“In these complex times, we have seen how our scholarship artists have had to adapt to new formats to follow their learning and professional development processes with great commitment and resilience. Crisis such as the current one could mean the end of an artistic career, either for financial or technical reasons “, indicates Andrés Rodríguez Spoerer, Music Manager at Fundación Ibáñez Atkinson. He adds that:” For this reason, we are committed to continuing to provide opportunities for I study instrumentalists, lyrical singers and conductors of orchestras and choirs, because we are convinced that music is key in the integral development of people and the well-being of society ”.
Who can apply?
Students and professionals of:
- Musical performance or composition
- Choral, orchestral or stage direction
What is the support?
- Total or partial financing of studies
- Support for maintenance
- Ticket financing
How can I apply?
Send the following information to
- Project presentation: Written report that explains and supports in detail why you are applying for the benefit, identifying its stages, expected results and future expectations.
- Budget: Total and detailed cost of the project (monthly and annual amounts of all items associated with studies, accommodation, meals, etc.), expressed in local currency and its equivalent in pesos and dollars. Indicate if there are contributions from third parties and / or your own.
- Motivation letter
- Curriculum vitae
- Artistic curriculum
- Letters of recommendation (minimum two, accompanied by the CV of the person who writes them)