Juventus Lyrica offers free masterclass for singers and musicians

The masterclass will be held on October 25 and 26 and will be taught by Dutch directors Hernán Schvartzman and Emlyn Stam
Juventus Lyrica will organize a free masterclass for singers and string players, where the Interpretive practice of the nineteenth century. This masterclass will be dictated by Hernán Schvartzman (musical director of Opera2day, Holland) and Emlyn Stam (artistic director of the New European Ensemble, Holland).
Schvartzman and Stam studied and put into practice the interpretative practices of the 19th century, based on an intensive analysis of sound and written sources of the time. In these sound records you can listen to artists who were interpretive references of their time and worked hand in hand with composers. Such is the case of Adelina Patti (Verdi’s favorite singer), Nellie Melba (described by Ambroise Thomas as “the Ophelia of my dreams”) and Joseph Joachim (interpreter of the Beethoven violin concerto under the baton of Mendelssohn).
The masterclass will take place on October 25 and 26, from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm (Recoleta zone).
All registrations must be made exclusively via email until October 20 inclusive, to juventuslyricamasterclass2018@gmail.com with the following information:
Active participants
Full name – Telephone – DNI
Link with video or audio with a nineteenth century repertoire piece. 8 singers and 8 string players will be selected (or string quartet that will be equivalent to an instrumentalist).
Full name – Telephone – DNI
Notification to all participants will be made by email.