The Teatro del Bicentenario de San Juan raises the curtain of the Main Hall with “Madama Butterfly”

With the participation of règie Pablo Maritano and conduction by maestro Emmanuel Siffert, Giacomo Puccini’s dramatic play Madama Butterfly will inaugurate the opera at the San Juan theater next Tuesday, September 28. This co-production between the Centro Provincial de las Artes Teatro Argentino and the National Auditorium of SODRE in Montevideo also has set design by Enrique Bordolini and costume production by Stella Maris Müller.
On Tuesday, September 28, the Main Hall of the Bicentennial Theater relives its magic with the majestic stage production of “Madama Butterfly”, the opera by Giacomo Puccini. A gripping drama in which passions, love and tragedy come into conflict.
The règie Pablo Maritano will replace the staging, premiered in 2018 at the SODRE National Auditorium in Montevideo, Uruguay. From visual cinematographic resources, the scene is populated with colors, aromas, sensations, images that will make the audience thrill.
With the set design by Enrique Bordolini; Costume production by Stella Maris Müller, a cast made up of guest figures and more than 70 artists from San Juan, will create the oriental atmosphere of Madama Butterfly, which will take over the theater stage, giving rise to the love story between Cio Cio San and Captain Pinkerton, presenting the most tragic and least desired denouement: a wonderful sacrifice for love.
Under the baton of maestro Emmanuel Siffert, the FFHA-UNSJ Symphony Orchestra will be responsible for giving life to Puccini’s masterful work, together with the FFHA-UNSJ University Choir, directed by maestro Jorge Romero.
Artists of great international, national and local trajectory will give voice to this moving story that seduces to tears. In co-production with the Centro Provincial de las Artes Teatro Argentino and the National Auditorium of SODRE in Montevideo, the Teatro del Bicentenario crystallizes its national and international ties through this performance of the highest artistic quality.
Complying with the established protocols, and with a reduced capacity, Madama Butterfly takes the stage in the Main Hall of the Bicentennial Theater on September 28 and 30 and October 2. Tickets of $ 1,800, $ 1,500, $ 1,000, $ 800 and $ 600 will be available for sale starting Tuesday, September 7, at 12 noon, at and at the Theater box office, Monday through Friday 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5pm to 8pm; Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and two (2) hours before each performance.