Querido Arte, Ópera de Guatemala

Nombre de facturación: Querido Arte S.A
Dirección: 9a. Avenida 26-39 Zona 12. Ciudad de Guatemala.
Teléfono: +50 2 3169 2132
Web: www.queridoarte.com
Facebook: miqueridoarten


Reseña: Querido Arte: Compañía de Ópera de Guatemala was born as an initiative of Guatemalan singers, Tenor Mario Chang and Soprano Maria José Morales, to develop, train and disseminate opera in Guatemala. We are a young and fresh opera company with one sole objective in mind: to make Guatemala a benchmark in Latin America and the world through high quality productions, comprehensive development projects for artists, presentations that rescue the tradition and beauty of opera and events that positively impact our culture and society, transforming lives through music.


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