Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo start recording more than 50 shows of Colombian artists

Following the guidelines established by the National Government and the Mayor of Bogota, which allow carrying out activities performing arts without audience, the Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo will resume his face-to-face work from the fourth week of July, with the recording of shows by national artists that will be broadcast on the Teatro Digital platform and through Canal Capital.
After the approval of its biosafety protocol and after the issuance of decrees 847 of the Ministry of the Interior and 164 of the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá, which regulate the resumption of activities of the cultural and creative sector without the entrance of the public and without crowds , the Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo will resume its face-to-face artistic work in the fourth week of July, with recordings of shows by the most prominent creators of the national performing arts.
The recordings will be transmitted through Teatro Digital, the Bancolombia platform and the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá through the District Institute of Arts and its stage, the Teatro Mayor, and Canal Capital.
Through its digital platforms, the Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo has not stopped its inclusive artistic offer despite the isolation dictated to slow the advance of the coronavirus (Covid-19). Now, the Theater will have a renewed offer with productions specially designed for the recording format.
“We received with great joy the issuance of Decree 164 from the Bogota City Hall because it marks the beginning of the recovery of the performing arts sector. In the case of the Mayor Theater,make recordings of performances of small and medium format “, said the General Director of the Teatro Mayor, Ramiro Osorio.
With its new digital offer, the Teatro Mayor will privilege the work of national artists from areas such as theater, dance, music and proposals for the family. The first recording was carried the Theateror on July 25 and was starring by Rolling Ruanas, a group that has been known for its innovative proposal that combines different audio and visual formats. This concert will be broadcast through the Teatro Digital platform.
Before the strict quarantine in the town of Suba, to which the Teatro Mayor belongs and which will be from July 31 to August 14, thebe presented Leopoldo Federico Quintet will, with a recital that covers the great classics of tango, especially those of Carlos Gardel. This presentation can be seen at Teatro Digital from August 20 to 27.
In the spirit of collaboration that the Theater maintains with other cultural organizations in the city and the country, a series of recording sessions have been organized throughout the year with the Bogota Philharmonic Orchestra and the National Symphony Orchestra, so that they can generate also content for their audiences on various broadcast platforms. Likewise, maintaining alliances with competitions such as International Piano Festival the UIS, it will record recitals at the Theater in order to carry out its edition this year in virtual format.
On the page of the Theater you can consult the programming of the broadcasts. Additionally, the Teatro Mayor will continue with its digital content campaigns for the Teatropedia, a social responsibility program in alliance with Sura that offers pedagogical content through various pieces, and the # 15MINBienestar campaign, in which the dancers of the Compañía de Dance of the Teatro Mayor offer daily virtual classes.