Benefits of becoming a member

Ópera Latin America, OLA is focused on supporting the development and advance of Latin American lyrical work, offering to its members:



Through the management of OLA’s executive team that regularly participates in international conferences and fairs, we generate new opportunities for members by expanding the network of contacts globally. Along with the above, online networking sessions are held periodically to connect partners with projects.



Through the OLA communication media, website, social networks and newsletter to a specialized database of 8,000 contacts in theaters around the world, the OLA communications team regularly communicates the news of its associates.



Through collaboration agreements, network partners have free access to Opera America and Opera Europa conferences and forums. Which have values ​​between 500 and 800 dollars.

In addition, benefits are added with other organizations with which OLA has signed collaboration agreements.



OLA has developed networking forums between theaters, which are opportunities for theater teams to connect with peers, generate business networks and share good practices, thus helping to professionalize theater teams. The current forums are: marketing, fundraising, technical and artistic programming.



OLA’s executive team develops special projects year after year, which, depending on the focus, the partners can benefit from. Some of the previous ones have been training courses with the Academy of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, commercial missions financed by ProChile, technology funds financed by Corfo, among other initiatives.



Part of our communicational development includes highlighting the Latin American artistic heritage through the development of specialized sections such as Opera and other herbs and Theater of the month, among other initiatives.



Through the OLA observatory, we carry out biannual surveys to collect data from members and the sector that allow us to present the work and impact of theaters both economically and socially.



OLA members have free access to the benefits offered by Escena Digital. Through it they can upload information about the organization, productions available for sale or lease as well as see what is available and contact theaters. The reference value of Scene is $500 dollars.



We have three types of annual memberships depending on the size of the organization.

  1. Active Member: These are theaters, organizations and institutions with a large infrastructure and their own legal personality, which produce at least one lyrical or musical theater production per year. They have an annual budget of over 1.5 million dollars. Membership fee: USD$3,000 (three thousand dollars per year)
  2. Adherent Members: Those theaters, opera companies, festivals, conservatories and groups with their own legal personality that do not have a stable opera season, but do have a professional-level performance activity. They have an annual budget of under 1.5 million dollars. Membership fee: USD$1,500 (one thousand five hundred dollars annually)
  3. Independent Company Members: Opera companies with their own legal personality that have a professional level of performance activity. Membership fee: USD$1,300 (one thousand three hundred dollars annually)

For more information and to become a member, write to Paulina Ricciardi, general coordinator of OLA at