6 quick tips to maintain good vocal health

Within the framework of the Cycle Scene Artists, the Graduate in Speech Therapy and graduate of the Singing and Master’s degree from the Higher Institute of the Colón Theater in Buenos Aires, Alejandra Malvino; and Rodrigo Casassus, the Dental Surgeon specializing in temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain, met to present on anatomy and vocal health, giving practical advice and answering questions from the attendees.


Specifically, 6 short tips for maintaining proper vocal health were mentioned. You can review them below:


1. Correct posture

Being constantly seated in front of the computer, staring at the screen, generates a tension that is absolutely linked to the base of the neck. And that of course, will generate tension in the neck and in all the peripheral part of what refers to the larynx.


2. You have to look for physical activity and relaxation spaces

To counteract this situation mentioned above, it is good to exercise because it allows us to release the tension that we can feel especially in the neck, but also in other parts of the body.


In addition, it is good to look for spaces for relaxation, especially in these times where anxiety can increase.


There are several disciplines, such as the Alexander Technique or even yoga, that help us control our breathing, reduce stress and allow us to be connected with ourselves and not only think about sound. “Sound is a consequence of all this great system that we are as human beings,” says Alejandra Malvino.


3. Important to be attentive to vocal fatigue

This is a very important point and one of the most common due to the quarantine system that some live in and uncertainty in general; and with which we will have to learn to live together for a long time and that may even remain in many disciplines.


To alleviate this situation, it is essential to be attentive to ourselves, how we feel both physically and emotionally.


4. Good command of the breath 

“The entry of air through the nose and then in a mixed form is important so that the respiratory capacity, control and dosage of that air can generate a good vocal product,” says Malvino.


5. Hydration

Maintaining good hydration is essential both to maintain proper vocal health and a good functioning of the body in general.


6. Speak correctly 

Today we are immersed in a mode of communication through screens that causes excesses in the amount of air pressure we handle in order to communicate with others. This is why it is important to be aware and speak in a “normal” way, not unnecessarily straining our throat.


If you want to know more about the subject, we invite you to see the talk of the Cycle Scene Artists “Anatomy and vocal health”: