Auditorio de Tenerife – Ópera de Tenerife

Address: Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Avda de la Constitución 1, CP 38003, Tenerife, España.
Phone: +34 9 2256 8600

Facebook: auditoriodetenerife   operadetenerife

Instagram: @auditoriotfe  @operadetenerife

Twitter: @auditoriotfe  @OperadeTenerife

YouTube: Auditorio de Tenerife


Abstract: Auditorio de Tenerife S.A.U. is a public entity of Cabildo Insular [the Island Government] and it is located in a privileged area in the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. In the past fifteen years it has become an icon for Tenerife people thanks to its avant-garde architecture and the fact that it marks a turning point in the artistic life of the Canary Islands. It is the largest production centre in the archipelago, a cultural and social driving force with a personality of its own. It is a plural, dynamic space, always busy, extrovert; a place where thinking and consideration lead to the development of creativity. It holds a set of values that have grown stronger and stronger since its foundation: excellence in products and procedures, artistic and technological innovation, the will to serve diverse audiences -putting emphasis on new audiences- to serve a pedagogical and critical aim, efficacy and efficiency. We work at three levels: commitment to the brand Tenerife, encouraging the professional development of Canarian artists, and internationalization by world-renowned artists.